‘Transportation diversity’ refers to the variety of mobility and accessibility options available in a particular situation, including various modes, services and destinations. A transport system must be diverse in order to serve diverse demands, including the needs of people who cannot, should not or prefer not to drive. Multimodal planning that increases transport system diversity tends to increase efficiency, equity and resilience, and achieves specific planning goals. Conventional planning undervalues many of these benefits, resulting in less diverse, more automobile-dependent transport systems than optimal to serve user needs and achieve planning goals. This report examines consumer demands for various travel options, transport diversity benefits, and methods for evaluating optimal transport system diversity.
Source : You Can Get There From Here – choice.pdf
A noter :
- Le tableau 4 : plutôt intéressant et peut resservir éventuellement, bien que très généraliste.
- En pages 20 et suivantes, des indicateurs sur la performance multimodale.
- Figure 13 : part modale dans différentes villes USA. NYC largement TC.
- Sur cette page <http://shrinkthatfootprint.com/shrink-your-travel-footprint>, on retrouve de manière plus claire un graphique sur « l’intensité carbone de différents modes de transport ».